The city of kyiv is protected by three defense lines, over one million kilometers, according to the head of the military administration.
Two years after the debut of the full-scale war, the dynamics of the Western struggle in Kiev are in perte de vitesse: the newly engaged assistants are in baisse sur the period from August 2023 to January 2024 in relation to the same period of the previous year, according to the latest report from the Kiel Institute, published in February 2024. And this trend to achieve it, the American Senate peinant à faire voter des aides, et l’Union européenne (EU) ayant eu toutes les serious à faire adopter an aid of 50 billion le 1Ahem February 2024, made of the Hongrois blockade. Please note that these two aid packages are not encore pris taken into account at the last moment by the Kiel Institute, which will be completed in January 2024.
Les données de l’institut allemand montrent que le nombre de donateurs se réduit et se concentre author d’un noyau de pays: les Etats-Unis, l’Allemagne, les pays du nord et de l’est de l’Europe, qui Promettent à la fois une aide financière élevée et de l’armement de pointe. In total, as of February 2022, kyiv’s southern countries are committed to a level of less than 276 billion euros in the military, financial or humanitarian plan.
In absolute terms, the richest countries are the most generous. The United States are the first donors, with more than 75 billion euros of announced aid, not 46.3 billion in military aid. The countries of the European Union were announced for the bilateral aid (64.86 billion euros) and the common aid from the funds of the European Union (93.25 billion euros), for a total of 158, 1 million euros.
When these contributions to the gross domestic product (GDP) of donor countries are reported, the classification will be changed. Les Etats-Unis rétrogradent au vingtième rang (0.32% of its GDP), either after the voisins countries of Ukraine or the friendly former Soviet Republics. Estonia takes the tête des aides rapportées au GDP avec 3.55 %, suivie du Danemark (2.41 %) et de la Norvège (1.72 %). The rest of the top 5 is completed by Lithuania (1.54%) and Latvia (1.15%). Les trois Baltes Etats, qui ont tous des frontières communes avec la Russie ou son aliée la Belorussie, source partie des donateurs les plus généreux desdepuis le debut du conflit.
In the GDP percentage ranking, France is vingt-septième, accounting for 0.07% of its GDP, just behind Greece (0.09%). L’aide fournie par Paris is in constant repetition since the debut of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: la France était vingt-quatrième en April 2023, et treizième à l’été 2022.