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The government fixera de nouvelles règles from 1st juillet

The government fixera de nouvelles règles from 1st juillet

The government fixes new compensation rules for employment demands starting from 1Ahem July, according to a statement from the Ministry of Labor on Monday, April 22. The government justifies this decision of check, already pres deux weeks, des négociations entre patronat et syndicats sur la vie au travail et l’emploi des seniors. The executive, who must comply with the compensation rules to encourage repetition of the activity, has not been precise again with what he changes, but he is in the values ​​​​and stopped interrupting the method.

The executive will turn on “a decree of deficiency” what aura « to achieve the objective of serving all employees and promoting the rapid return to employment of compensated drivers ». Since 2019, employers and unions hope to renew the definition of these rules for the benefit of the executive.

The current insurance contract rules expire in principle at the end of 2023, but are available to be extended for a «articulation decree» Jusqu’au June 30. The employers’ associations and three unions (CFDT, FO, CFTC) are participants, in terms of a difficult negotiation, in accordance with the November 10, 2023 compensation rules. It is also possible to suspend the issue of compensation for older people, in order to negotiate their working conditions and maintenance of employment.

Read the temoignages | Article reserved for us subscribers «When you never pas de boulot, you vous sentez en marge de la société»: chez les chômeurs, la crainte d’un nouveau durcissement de l’assurance-chômage

This negotiation occurred around an impasse on April 10, and the board refused to accept new commitments contrary to the unions wanting to obtain new rights for salaries. A draft employer agreement was formally rejected by the CFDT last week, after FO and the CFE-CGC.

A concertation “during the next weeks”

Or the insurance convention-chômage n’a pas pu être complétée in the absence of agreement on the employment of older people. The repetition in main of the rule definition is done later “a concertation” Con les partenaires sociaux, mais il n’y aura pas de nouvelle lettre de cadrage leur demandant de négocier à nouveau, a conseiller ministériel explained to l’Agence France-Presse (AFP). These agreements debut “in the prochain weeks”according to the Ministry of Labor.

«Who you see is who is accused of rage»is outraged by a statement from FO, for the government “pretext” de l’échec des négociations sur l’emploi des seniors pour reprendre la main sur l’assurance-chômage. « Etre fort avec les faibles, ça ne dure qu’un temps »also réagi, amer, Jean-François Foucard (CFE-CGC), collaborator of the government disclosure « assume the consequences of consummation and politics » Desminuutions de droits prévues pour les chômeurs.

Michel Picon, president of the employers’ union of artisans and merchants of the U2P-Union of local companies, s’est, lui, dit ” reserve “ on the relevance of complying with the insurance-chômage rules. « The moitié of chômeurs (registered in France Travail) ne sont pas indemnisés, cela veut bien dire que (…) ce n’est pas la pression que l’on met sur eux qui les amène à reprendre un emploi »according to Franceinfo’s estimate.

Par ailleurs, le gouvernement «Accueille avec interêt» Les debates sur le compte épargne-temps universel et les reconversions professionnelles qui doivent aboutir mardi entre un organization employerale, l’U2P (artisans, merchants and liberal professions) et des syndicats, a relaté le même conseiller ministériel. Matignon ne prévoit toutefois pas de reprondre in extenso l’accord.

Lire also | Article reserved for us subscribers Universal temporary account: U2P and unions understand each other in a text

Dès janvier et sans addresses the issue of negotiations on the employment of older people, the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, avait annoncé vouloir « aller plus loin dans la réforme de l’assurance-chômage ». Last week, three leviers rappelled to comply with the rules: the duration of the compensation, the condition of affiliation – so the time left to work to be compensated – and the level of compensation. Everything in soulignant that « The three possibilities (étaient) open »il avait dit sa préférence pour un durcissement de la condition d’affiliation.

Read the decryption | Article reserved for us subscribers Sur l’assurance-chômage, le gouvernement prend peu de risques politiques

Le Monde (AFP)

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