The Government’s progress on the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA) to reduce its structure was reflected this Monday in a resolution published in the Official Gazette in which it proposes a reorganization of the entity “that leads to more agile mechanisms and processes, in addition to a lower budgetary cost”.
In resolution number 62, the president of INCAA, Carlos Luis Pirovano, justifies the decision in “the context of the general economic crisis and significant fiscal deficit that the country has been going through for decades.”
In the new structure they remain standing only four managements: General Management, Legal Affairs, Administration and Finance and Public Policies.
The text orders “the suppression of Operational Units of the first, second, third and fourth operational level, and with it the Executive and Headquarters Functions corresponding to the opportunely created positions, a general readjustment of actions and a subsequent review of the staffing of affected personnel“.
The activity organized by the groups linked to audiovisual production will take place nine days after resolution 27/2024 is known, which, according to what it states, “paralyzes productive activity.” In addition, INCAA suffered the dismissal of 170 workers prior to the beginning of April.
No film projects for three months.
At the beginning of this month, the national Executive had suspended at the INCAA “the reception of all types of projects that are carried out through the continuous window system, in which financial aid from the organization is requested, by the ninety (90) day period“.
As indicated by the Government in the resolution, the suspension period was intended to “promote new rules for regulating audiovisual promotion in order to adapt to the needs of today’s world in pursuit of dynamics and agility in line with new times.”
In article 2 of the regulations, the Executive had determined that “the projects presented for evaluation and that to date do not have a resolution issued by the Agency that declares them of interest, both medium and mass audience, as well as the one that grants them “. a subsidy through digital documentary means, and that do not yet have an assigned digital committee, will be returned to the presenters.